Our Learning Environment
Goldi locks Principles
Learning environments and faculty
should tailor the materials to the
characteristics of the learner,
making sure that the material is
not too difficult, but just right.
First time applicants
Hebrew University System Office of Admissions
Admissions Procedures for Prospective Students: UCEA is open to all individuals above the age
of 18 who possess the sincere desire to be educated and trained for career opportunities in
Religious Studies under a Judaism environment. Although we are located in Israel, the language of
instruction for the theory is in English. Furthermore, the textbooks of Judaic School are in English.
Jewish language courses are taught in Hebrew.
For more information contact:  registrar@ucea
First Time Jewish Studies online applicants. While you are here, take a moment to explore our
Whether you are high school student, a first time college student, transferring credit from other
institutions, an adult student wanting to go back to school in the day or evening at our campus or
someone who wants to take an online program, The
Hebrew University System University  and its
nstitutions  have your future on your terms. As a student, you will find everything you need here
Whatever questions you have, from admissions requirements, admissions applications, we are just
an e-mail message.
A. Enrollment Application
B. High School A G.P.A. 2,5 in the 4.0 scale.
C. Applicants may be admitted provided they are high school graduates
D. Acceptance of the school's anti-drug and alcohol abuse policy.
E. The Enrollment Application,
Disclaimer. UCEA Jewish Educational Foundation is in compliance with Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) (PL 90-247). Complete information regarding this act may be
found in the Student Handbook and a summary of the University’s compliance appears in the
schedule of classes published each term . The Foundation provides scholarships to qualify
students. Our Foundation information office is located at 8770 West Bryn Mawr Avenue. Chicago,
Illinois, 60631-3515.
The mailing address is 917 West Washington Blvd. Chicago, Illinois, 60607.
Tel Avid Office: Ackerstein Towers, Building B, Hamenofim Street,Mailing Address:
P.O.BOX - 2148, 46120 Hertzelia Pituach, The Jewish State of Israel

UCEA Rieman College of Nursing Office of Admissions - Please contact your academic advisor
UCEA protects the security,
confidentiality, and integrity of its
student records and maintains
special security measures to
protect and back-up data.

Scholarships and Grants

UCEA Jewish Foundation is in
compliance with Family
Educational Rights and Privacy
Act of 1974 (FERPA)
(PL 90-247). Complete
information regarding this act
may be found in the Student
Handbook and a summary of the
University’s compliance appears
in the schedule of classes
published each term and/or

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